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What is an Earwig?
The European urban legend about thin insects called earwigs tunneling into sleeping humans’ brains lends the insects their name. The pincers on an earwig’s abdomen inspire widespread fear, leading to a superstition that has no basis in fact. Over 20 species of earwigs have been documented in the USA. Keep reading to find out about earwig prevention and treatment options.
Earwigs Identification
What Do Earwigs Look Like?
14 to 1 inch is the average length of an earwig. They are long and flattened and can be any shade of brown from light to dark. An earwig’s threadlike antenna is roughly as long as its body and is supported by its six legs. The pincers that extend from their lower backs are the most striking feature. Earwigs, like dragonflies, have two sets of wings; the animals’ back wings typically tuck neatly under their front ones when at rest. Usually, certain regions of the body have a leathery texture and look. Some earwig species don’t have wings at all, and the ones that do only use them briefly.
Do Earwigs Really Go in Your Ear?
Earwigs do not, as is commonly believed in European folklore, enter humans’ ears at night to feast on their brains.
Earwigs Prevention
Caulk made of silicone, steel wool, or a combination of the two should be used to seal cracks and crevices thoroughly to keep earwigs out of the structure. Doors, windows, and vents in the attic and basement are all included in this technique of airtightness. Earwigs concentrate in dank, dark places like basements because they thrive in the damp, protected environments that these places provide. Unfinished basement floors are perfect breeding grounds for earwigs because of the presence of dirt and leaves. If you want to keep earwigs out of your home, you should use a dehumidifier and sweep up any crumbs from the cement floor.
A competent pest control expert should be contacted if there is reason to believe an earwig infestation exists in the home. They can then evaluate the property and help you come up with a plan for eliminating the earwigs and preventing further infestations.
How to Get Rid of Earwigs
Householders can get rid of earwigs and avoid future infestations by getting rid of any leaf piles, mulch piles, or other vegetation that could provide a safe haven for the insects. They should also think about removing organic matter from the area around the house by relocating fuel heaps and logs.
It’s also a good idea to prune any trees or bushes that are causing damp, shady spots near the house. Verify that rainwater is being directed away from the house by inspecting the gutters and downspouts. This will reduce the likelihood of a damp environment that could encourage the growth of earwigs.
Earwigs Education
There are swarms of these insects in the outdoors. Earwigs like to hide in dark, protected places, such as mulch or tree holes. They find openings in the exterior and slip inside.
Earwigs are not only harmless because they don’t creep into people’s ears at night, but they also don’t carry any infections. Some species, however, secrete an offensive liquid as a defense strategy, and their threatening appearance can be frightening to homeowners. Anyhow, earwigs are more of a danger to garden plants than they are to humans.
Do Earwigs Bite?
The pincers of an earwig are employed for reproduction, hunting, and defense, but they can also squeeze a human if the insect is disturbed. There is no venom transfer and skin rupture is extremely uncommon, yet the pinch can be painful. Pincers from earwigs don’t harbor any pathogens, either.
Earwigs are nocturnal insects that spend the day hiding and eating plants, fruits, mold, and other insects. Most earwig species like to spend the day in cool, damp, and undisturbed places like cracks and crevices. These pests are nocturnal feeders that favor rotting plant matter hidden under mulch or moist leaves. In addition, certain earwigs prefer to feast on seedlings, which might potentially ruin the yield of your garden or crop. Earwigs are predators, and some species will even eat smaller insects and arthropods.
Earwigs are fast to flee when disturbed or discovered. They tend to live in big colonies outside, clustering together in places like tree holes, mulch piles, and other detritus from the yard. An insect pheromone is blamed by scientists for triggering this behavior.
Earwigs can invade homes through cracks and crevices in the outside when they’re hungry or the weather changes. Once inside, they congregate in damp areas like the kitchen, bathroom, or laundry room. It is not uncommon for earwigs to invade other rooms of the house, including the living room and the bedroom. Even worse, these bugs are drawn to light and can become a problem on porches and patios after dark throughout the summer.
Once spring arrives, female earwigs will return to their underground winter tunnels to start laying eggs. These tiny eggs range in color from white to tan, and their form is spherical. Maternal behavior in earwigs includes protecting the eggs from danger, keeping the young safe and fed until they are old enough to forage for themselves.
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Frequently Asked Questions
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When it comes to pest control, many people believe it is best to wait until there is a problem before taking action. At this stage, exterminating bugs may be both expensive and inconvenient for you. Because of the savings you’ll save on future treatments as well as the assurance that your house is bug-free, preventive pest control is an excellent investment.
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It is common for pest control treatments to include a wide range of products. In order to provide you with the best possible solution, an expert will perform an in-depth assessment of your house. Conventional pesticide treatments are often used in pest management, depending on the specifics of your circumstance.
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We recommend contacting our office to get a quote for your specific pest control requirements since the level of infestation and the surrounding environment affect the price.
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Free inspections are offered by On-Demand.com. Our objective is to provide each customer with a personalized strategy that takes into account the specifics of their property, the issue, and the surrounding area. You may request an inspection by contacting 954-998-0113.
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